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Kristin Sczublewski


February 27, 2023

CrossFit Minnetonka - Curt's Journey

“I think CrossFit prepares you to do anything. If you play golf, or mountain climb, or water ski, or whatever, you are always working your entire body,” he said. “Not in a day, but if you look at the program in over a month, you have worked everything.”

Meet Curt Johnson, a CrossFit Minnetonka community member for over two and a half years. Curt came to CrossFit Minnetonka looking to get back into a group fitness setting after years of working out at home.

Since joining the Tonka community, Curt’s love for the sport has inspired him to compete locally. He has competed in numerous competitions in the scaled division, as well as judged at the Granite Games. In addition, he completed his CrossFit Level-1 Certification in 2019 to learn more about the sport and its methodology in hopes to use it once retired to impact others his age.

“CrossFit Minnetonka is my "Cheers," he stated.. “I'm totally dating myself, but if anybody remembers the TV show "Cheers", these guys stopped off at the bar on their way home and had a drink – is my bar on the way home,” he joked. “Just come in and work out, have fun, and look forward to it everyday.”

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