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Kristin Sczublewski


February 27, 2023

CrossFit Minnetonka - Peter's Journey

“Crossfit has not only made me a better, healthier person overall – it’s made me a better husband, a better father, and I’ve seen huge improvements in myself. I like who I am today because of CrossFit”.

Meet Peter Hubbard, a CrossFit Minnetonka community member for nearly a year and a half.

Peter grew up very active in sports throughout high school and college. But, like many, “life happened” after school and he found himself in a sedentary job with little priority for health and exercise. It wasn’t until he and his wife, Annie, were expecting their first child that he decided he wanted to become more active and healthier for his soon-to-be daughter.

Fast forward to now, Peter has competed in multiple local CrossFit competitions and continues to show up each week and absolutely crush it. Annie also became a member at CrossFit Minnetonka in January. She attended a few Friday Night Lights Open workouts last year and “fell in love with the community we have here and wanted to be a part of it as well.”

“If I had to describe CrossFit Minnetonka in one word, it would be “family” – the community and everyone I see here on a day-to-day basis is what keeps me coming back.”

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