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Kristin Sczublewski


February 27, 2023

CrossFit Minnetonka - Molly's Journey

“When I first started, I had no background in lifting. I did not work out. I didn’t know the difference between a dumbbell, barbell, or a kettlebell – it took a lot of courage to step through the door. But, I did, and it was truly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Meet Molly Harren, a CrossFit Minnetonka community member for over three and a half years.

Molly decided to try CrossFit back in 2017 after recently moving away from family and friends into the Minnetonka area. “Initially, I wanted to just meet new people and friends… and, gain a little muscle.”

For Molly, what started as a spark of curiosity about CrossFit and fitness has now evolved into so much more as she continues to crush her goals, maximize her health, and cultivate lifelong friendships with other members and coaches.

“I never thought I would be able to call myself a “crossfit competitor,” she said. However, she definitely is! Molly has competed in many local competitions over the years AND has found herself on the podium placing top three multiple times, including a first place finish in the scaled division at GameDay St Paul in 2018.

Though competitive success has been fun, Molly's biggest accomplishment in the gym is her recent deadlift PR of 350 pounds. (Reminder: she didn't workout before she started CrossFit.)

Although competitions and heavy lifting are now Molly’s forte, she says the community of people at CrossFit Minnetonka are what keeps her wanting to do more, learn more, and achieve more.

“Working out alongside friends who motivate and push me, as well as coaches that have so much passion for what they do is what keeps me going”.

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